Organisational Excellence

This is when a company accomplishes its business consistently better than its opposition.

From this approach, the successful results speak for themselves.

A company that follows the operational excellence pathway endures less operational risk, greater productivity, superior cost control, better revenue relative to their competition, and a deeper understanding of their customer needs. This ultimately delivers a higher value for their customers and their shareholders.

This comes from building the right culture that will consistently adhere to and improve the enterprise's delivery to everyone within it and those they serve.

This is achievable by:

  • Having a clear strategic direction where everyone understands the company's purpose and their role within it to achieve the company's goals;

  • Respecting every person within the business and those that buy from you by including them in the journey and listening to their ideas;

  • Constantly strive for improvement as if it was your DNA;

  • Never be afraid to try new things provided. Removing the fear of failure nurtures innovation and brilliance.;

  • When things go wrong, good companies focus on the process, not the person;

  • Make quality your mantra at every step. Every step requires perfection, and every worker sees their co-workers as customers;

  • Always look at the whole picture. A business is a living entity of people and processes. Efficient changes always require and to end critical thinking;

  • Create outcomes that a customer will always value. Understand what your customer's perception of value really is. Is your company delivering exactly what they need?


Ask yourself a simple question. When did your enterprise last talk to customers that were lost and ask them why? As soon as you start to ask the question, you are already ahead of 95% of your competition.


There is no simple pathway to Operational excellence, but the results are worth the effort.

Sabbath Consulting has considerable experience with Business Improvement and Operational Excellence.

Call us for a free no-obligation consultation.